Topic: 32ch Monitor Mix


I have two AES32 cards providing a total of 32 channels.  I have them installed in a Windows 7 (64bit) daw.

I am interested in using DigiCheck Global Record for basic location multitrack recording.  TotalMix would serve as the monitor mixer. 

However, the two cards don't seem to be integrated in TotalMix.  Each card has its own "page" or "layer" which appears to operate independently of the other card.  Of course, I would love a unified mixer layout were all channels from all cards can be routed to similar buss outputs. 

Is there a way to achieve this?  Thanks in advance.


Re: 32ch Monitor Mix

There is no communication between the cards, no routing and mixing in hardware between them, so TM FX shows the exact situation by separated windows for both cards.

Matthias Carstens