Topic: My Screaming Baby...Face

My finger came near to a usb cable connected to my computer and  an arc of static electricity jumped from the finger to the cable. Immediately the Babyface began screaming through my headphones like a person on fire. I immediately went through the routine of disconnecting it from its usb cable connected to the computer. The noise stopped. Reconnecting it the same horrid sound commenced. I disconnected many times, restarted the computer many times, uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers, switched around all the usb cables for the various hardware atrached to the computer, and then finally it was once again fine.

My questions are, why did this happen in the first place and how can I remedy the situation better the next time this happens? This is not the first time it has acted this way. Another time I turned on an electrical strip that had a guitar amp and a microphone preamp plugged into it and the same screaming bloody murder scream, then once before the Babyface was unplugged by an ignorant person without informing the computer he was pulling out the cable.

Hope you are having a wonderful solstice season and thank you for any reply forthcoming.



Re: My Screaming Baby...Face

Your earth is not working - or not existing (three prone power sockets?). The computer and other equipment should be grounded, the same 'ground' you are standing on. So touching metal nothing should happen.

The opposite is quite common. Many power supplies are un-earthed. Not only typical wall-warts but also the bigger power supplies for notebooks, where 'ground' then is virtual and floating at for example 90 Volts. This is harmless, when touching the voltage collapses, no serious current is flowing. But you can feel the electricity. And it can cause what you experienced.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by kivajiva 2017-12-27 15:10:03)

Re: My Screaming Baby...Face

Thanks for getting back to me.

Everything here is three prong in my room and I would have assumed grounded, hence my question here. I wonder why things aren't working as expected. I am running a PC so no wall wart there. Perhaps it is the wiring in our apartment, though I assume everything is up to spec and code here in Switzerland. I haven't any testing equipment to see where the fault lies, so will just make sure I don't touch the usb cable again.

Re: My Screaming Baby...Face

a similar, if not exactly the same, instance i stumbled upon with my babyface, something i still blush about, shameful.

i'm sensible to the smallest current drift, for some reason: i can't use a macbook pro without the fully-earthed power cable, the short two-prong stick-in always left my hands with this unpleasant fizzy sensation...

i'm obsessed by correct wiring, i test cables before using them, solder my own ones and consider switching to the same connector of same manufacturer, but the version with different contacts' plating...

...and i'm about just as concerned, or paranoid, to ac mains distribution, no plastic multi-socket strips unless i've seen them inside and checked they're solid-wired, if i don't have one of those industrial knürr beasts readily available...

well, what you're sharing here of your experience happened to me, and i was so damned sure of my own kit that i included in my assessment also the part of the system that wasn't under my control: wall outlet.

the whole house ac system is neatly grounded, i know exactly where the earthpole is stuck into the ground, which i water from time to time, if it's a hot and dry summer. so i doubted the equipment, not the house system.

and i was wrong.
just as MC explained.

the wall outlet i had been plugged into, and for a couple of years at least, had a loose screw on the earth contact, and in its actual position it wasn't linked.

as unlikely occurrence as it seemed to me, it happened, and happens.
not i, but the electrician simply plugged its tester-meter into the receptacles, and came out with "but of course, you're not grounded".

it took as much as screwing it out of the wall, re-tightening all screws, and finally the good, compliant, and safe house grounding system was existing at my audio desk, too.

and i felt like a total idiot, for having thought that if it's good anywhere else in the house, it had to be good here, too.

since then: i learnt (the hard way) screws turn loose with time and current, for power lines have their own ways to vibrate (and at 50 Hz here in Europe, i suppose, as well as 60 in US, J, cruise ships and other 110V mains systems).

and i learnt maintenance on power distribution isn't a way to rip you off some money, if done effectively. even if it just means tightening three tiny screws in each wall socket and single switch in each switchbox, it would have avoided me this very experience, and save you if the worse comes to the worst. 
and i now have it (professionally) done, and steadily, here, every other year.

thank you for sharing your experience, i never told my own before (because i feel shameful at that).

even if i can only use eighty lines of text in lieu of MC's three or four ones, speaking of (my own) low efficiency: he got it as right as it comes.

added measure of comfort: i wear those famous German-made, cork-sole sandals when working audio or playing, since i found out that they also exist in an anti-ESD version (that's approved, and worn by collegues of mine, at our company's electronics department).

oh, and about forgetting things: my BabyFace Pro runs on its own PSU even when connected to computer.
PSU isn't grounded, of course, but provides a neat failsafe protection in case usb cable is inadvertently pulled off (as this will only stop audio, not pop all speakers out of their baskets). and because the RME original PSU it's so neat and good, with its lockable plug, i gifted it to my BFPro on last year's xmas!

Re: My Screaming Baby...Face

Thank you, rbbrnck, for sharing your experience with me and any and all that read your post. It never entered my mind that the low frequency vibrations of the current plus a goodly amount of time (relatively speaking) could loosen the ground at the outlet. I will look in there and see what there is to see. This is most proprobably the culprit of the malady.