Topic: UFX+ & ARC USB - Recall & Encoder improvement suggestion, 5.1 monitor
It's really great to have RECALL function assigned to the ARC but I it would be nicer to know if the MAIN OUT level is set to the preselected level without opening TotalMix window. I think it could work this way:
- whenever the volume IS NOT equal to the preselected value the RECALL button is lit
- when the volume IS equal to the preselected value RECALL buton is not lit
Another features would be the icing on the cake
1. In Post workflow it common to calibrate the monitoring system to the SPL value (eg. +79 dB SPL, +85 dB SPL) and professional monitoring controllers (ICON) shows exactly that value. My dream would be to have the MAIN volume level visible all the time on my OS X Menu Bar just as a SPL level. In the settings user would set Recall level (eg. -10dB) and the corresponding SPL value (eg. -10 dB = 82 db SPL).
2. It would be nice to have a possibility to set main output as a 5.1