Topic: Logic affecting Totalmix Main Fader??

Hi there - I’m having a strange problem between Logic Pro (10..4.1) and Totalmix version 1.4.3 on MacOS 10.12.6. i have the Babyface Pro. I run it in Digital Audio Workstation Mode.

Put simply, often, but not always, opening up a new file in Logic resets the Main Output level fader in Totalmix to unity (which unfortunately is pretty loud on my setup). I have watched it “in the act” of resetting, and it happens way before the Logic file has finished loading, maybe a couple of seconds after I start the load. but again, it’s a bit random - I could repeat the load and that time it may not affect the Totalmix fader at all.

I have tried setting every setting or preference in Totalmix that might seem relevant to a setting that would discourage any external control, but I can’t guarantee that i haven’t missed something . .  I  use the MIDI IN on the babyface to control a keyboard, but disconnecting that made no difference.

Obviously there may be a miriad of things that might be causing this, so if no one has experienced this specifically, I wonder if there is a blanket setting in Totalmix that bans any external control at all, preferably one that still allows me to use the built-in  MIDI interface.

Thanks in advance for any help and ideas . .



Re: Logic affecting Totalmix Main Fader??

You might have overlooked that Logic simply sets the Mac's main (system) volume to 0 dB and thus the BF.

There might be a setting in Logic (I know one in Cubase) to prevent that.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by mpmusicny 2018-05-23 16:29:25)

Re: Logic affecting Totalmix Main Fader??

Thanks Matthias - I found a project setting under MIDI - General - Send After Loading Project - Control Change 7/10 controls volume/pan of channel strip objects. Sounds vaguely like it might work and so far so good, but as I mentioned, this seems to be somewhat sporadic. I'm almost wishing against it, as it's a Project Setting, and thus would have to be altered on a song-by-song basis .    smile

So there is no option in Totalmix to totally immunize it from external control, I assume?

thanks for your help
