Topic: Bug ? TM 1.50(3): channel settings panel status not being restored
I regard it as very handy to keep the extended channel settings open for i.e. Mic Inputs
as it's very handy to be able to directly see the status of: 48V, Autoset, Instr, PAD, ...
When working with Layout Presets on my UFX+ I discovered that this is not the case.
I regard this either as bug or a missing feature that should be implemented.
To reproduce:
1. create 2 Layout Presets
- "Analog" - for only displaying analog channels and
- "MADI" - for only displaying MADI channels
2. Open the extended channel settings for Mic 9..12
3. Save it to "Snapshot 1"
4. Save it to Layout Preset "Analog"
5. Switch between Layout Preset "Analog" and "MADI"
Result1: as soon as you switch to "MADI" and come back to "Analog" then the extended channel settings
for Mic 9..12 are closed / not properly restored, this is not expected.
6. Restore Snapshot 1
Result2: extended channel settings for Mic 9..12 are still closed, this is not expected.
7. Try to fix it be restoring Layout Preset Analog
Result3: also this doesn't bring the status back.
On the other hand: if you do not work with Channel Layouts, then the status is being properly restored
across reboots of Windows PC.
I am not 100% sure, it appears to me "Hiding" of the Analog Channels in the MADI Layout Preset
triggers this. Afterwards nothing can restore the state properly as if the last state is not being
restored after using other snapshots and layout presets.
I think it would be much better in functionality when the status of the extended channel settings
1. would be stored to Snapshots and
2. would be saved during runtime in memory, so that a change of Layout Presets can also restore properly (and to avoid data redundancy (compared to storing the state also to Layout Presets)
It would be very nice if RME could pick up the topic and fix the issue to make the use of Layout Presets more comfortably.
I think especially for user with interfaces that have a high channel count, this could be very interesting.
The more channels you have the more likely it is that many channels have the extended channel settings open.
Having to restore this manually every time when you loose it by switching Layout Presets would be tedious work.
Many thanks for that, that would make a perfect tool even better ;-)
P.S.: wondering that nobody other stumbled over this already. Am I the only one that keeps the extended channel settings display open for a few channels and uses Layout Presets ? Or did I overlook something ??