1 (edited by jnm2 2018-11-01 18:01:47)

Topic: Connect Fireface 400 to two computers...


As the Fireface 400 has two firewire connectors (able to use as hub ???) can I connect them onto two computers ? One firewire-cable to my win pc and the second firewire-cable to my imac ?

I wonder if this gives any possibility (like recording or replay from both computers) and if so how and what not ?
What about the power on these two cables, the FF400 neds only one
Do I need a 6 and 4 type firewire-cable ?

Or maybe it's just  stupid thinking ....



Re: Connect Fireface 400 to two computers...

Won't work, sorry. And some Macs keep the FW ports powererd even when they are switched off, so this might cause problems when trying to use the computers individually. Not recommended...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs