Topic: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

I 've using the multiface 1 untill now with an PCMICA bus card on my laptop
but I will change to another laptop, wich does not have that bus card adapter, but an express card adapter
this one: … sscard.php


Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

Yes, it works. But the HDSPe ExpressCard is also discontinued now, so not widely available.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

thanks for the info.
in case I can not find a HDSPe ExpressCard, is it a good idea to use a Digiface to connect to the laptop and
use my multiface ADAT out into the Digiface? in case this works, will there be more latency?


Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

The multiface needs a computer to set it to work. If you leave it powered on it will still work without a computer but as soon as it is powered off it will lose it settings and stop working and will need a computer again to work (you can use your old laptop for this).

I think there are also expresscard to pcmcia adapters to make the current pcmcia one work with a new laptop. Startech has one for sure.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

vincent, thanks for the info.
I will look for an expresscard, if no succes, looking for a expresscard to pcmcia adapter

Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

hello RME
I recieved an expresscardbus, but it say HDSPe Madiface expressCard/34slot, only to be used with RME's Madiface.
will this work with a Multiface I ?

Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

Sorry, no.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: does multiface 1 work with an HDSPe ExpressBusCard

thanks for the info.
