Topic: Loopback delay between DAWs
i'm routing PT12HD to Ableton Suite 10 through the virtual cables loopback-system Totalmix offers with the MADIface Pro i own, and back into PT to print the efx used in Live. This is my setup:
In PT:
External FX 1 send -> MADI 1/2
In TotalMIX:
MADI 1/2 (software playback)-> MADI 1/2 hardware output (loopback)
In Live:
MADI 1/2 (hardware input) -> Live efx chain -> MADI 3/4
In TotalMIX:
MADI 3/4 (software playback) -> MADI 3/4 hardware output (loopback)
In PT:
MADI 3/4 (hardware input) -> External FX 1 return
Problem is that i'm getting a 0.5sec delay between the source track in PT and it's processed return..
Anyone could help a hand with this?