1 (edited by ramses 2019-04-03 08:06:51)

Topic: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?


I regard the M32 Pro as a fantastic product, even offering different reference levels per port which is not possible for the ADI-8 QS which is a pure studio device where you connect usually 8 devices of the same type.

I am missing such a device for smaller HOME/project studios, where you have 8 or even 16 analog I/O  (input and output) on one unit, so that it's possible to keep the setup compact.
Otherwise you would always have to buy 2 such units for input and output separately which I do not regard as practical in all situations.

This would also make it possible to have TRS plugs on the device, not having to use additional patch fields, which would make such a solution less compact.

AUX device support for TM FX to be able to save the reference level state per port. DUAL PSU maybe not necessarily required to save some space and costs.

RME has many MADI related devices in the product line.
The Octamic XTC is an excellent Preamp, offering even 8 line inputs, but its missing the D/A part (only 2 phones).

But in the area of analog I/O there are currently products missing where you can expand in smaller and more compact steps and which enable the possibility to change the reference level per port.

I think introducing a smaller version of the M32 Pro would be fantastic as this would enable for other RME MADI products (MADIface Pro) to get i.e. 8 more preamps by getting the XTC and getting 8 or 16 more analog i/o.

I think there is a gap between ADI-8 QS and M-32 Pro AD / DA which would be interesting to be filled.

Also interesting might be additional AVB support for a new version of the Octamic XTC.

If such a device would have existed, I could have more easily switched to products like HDSPe MADI FX.
But then I would have missed the Flexibility of the UFX+, to be able to choose different reference levels per port.

Just a few thoughts.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

I feel a bit the same: missing a modern AD unit with at least a couple of DAs. Buying two units for this purpose doesn't make sense economically.

3 (edited by ramses 2019-04-03 17:19:01)

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

And with two M32 Pro you would also fill all 64 channels of one MADI bus.
This is problematic for all MADI solutions offering only 1 MADI bus (Madiface USB, Madiface Pro, UFX).
Recording at 88.2/96 would even be trickier as this would require two MADI busses, which only Madiface XT and the two HDSPE offer.

If you would consider other 3rd party devices, then you loose all the nice RME features like remote control / AUX device.

If an AD/DA converter offers different reference levels I would like to be able to remote control them and store settings digitally into a TM FX snapshot.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by mruebsamen 2019-04-22 08:48:30)

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

I would like to mention the same wish smile
We use the M-32 AD pro for remote location recordings of Orchestras. It does this very nice.
But in the studio it would be great to have a modular AD/DA setup. We have for example several movable racks with different preamps, compressors, effects etc. It would be great to have for each rack a "M-8 ADDA Pro" hooked up with a single Ethernetcable smile
But all accessible in TotalMix on the Digiface AVB --> We would be your first client wink

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

An "ADI-8 QS+" - as the QS but with RJ45 port squeezed in would fit the bill for me

Icing on cake - give it a head phone socket and volume knob on the front

ADI-2 mk.1 x2 + other converters
Cubase + VEP

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

Yes, please smile

7 (edited by ramses 2019-04-27 10:13:36)

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

At the end something like Ferrofish Pulse 16 MX, but which goes more into RMEs direction of doing things, which you would miss on a Ferrofish device like i.e. remote control options via MIDI remote or AUX device.

Here a refined list:

  • 16 ports i/o on the back in 1 RU format, directly pluggable with TS/TRS plugs

  • 4x ADAT i/o if MADI is not an option

  • MADI support

  • eventuially MADI as option per pluggable SFP, to be cost efficient for people not requiring MADI

  • setup/operation via display similar to XTC incl the usual MADI routing capabilities which ports will be routed to what MADI channels and vice versa

  • different reference levels for inputs and outputs "per port" (!) and comparable to UFX+, remote controllable by either MIDI Remote or per TM FX (AUX Device) so that those settings can be stored digitally in TM FX snapshots

  • remote control via MIDI or MIDI over MADI

  • Word Clock

I left out in my list all additional features that are not really needed and which would increase the cost, like i.e. additional AES or phones ports.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

I know that this is not Christmas... but anyway... if this is a wishlist. I still think it should have AVB, a phone port and ADAT/AES would be great... maybe something like a "M-8 ADDA Pro" and a "M-16 AD Pro" and a "M-16 DA Pro"
--> I would buy all of them smile))

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

For me 24x AD and 8x DA... or just phones on board, just like the XTC. MADI is still a must.

Re: Smaller version of M32 Pro available in the future ?

Any news  or rumours...
I'm still longing for a smaller version...:)