Topic: Bassy muffled sound through interface


I have something I'm not sure what to make of.

If I connect an audio source (e.g iPad playing a video) directly to a powered speaker through aux cable, I get a normal clear open sound.

If I connect the same iPad with the same cable to my Fireface interface (FF 400) connected to the back inputs 5/7 and then routed internally to the output An1/2 through total mix, with everything gainstaged properly at unity, I get a very muffled sound.

I tried changing the +4/-10 settings of the 5/6 input but that didn't change anything. And I realize the audio is taking a different ADDA path in this setup but the difference here is drastic I can't attribute it to just that.

Anyone experience something similar or has an idea of what could be going on?

Thank you


Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

1. No proper 1:1  routing, check TotalMix. 2. De-Emphasis activated, check Settings dialog.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

Thanks for the quick reply Matthias

The input to output is at 0db going out to the main; the fader of  AN5/6 (where the iPad is connected) is at 0db when I have the main output channel clicked/selected in total mix to do the routing

I can't find a "de-emphasis" setting anywhere on the settings nor the manual, where do I see this. I only found an "Emphasis" checkbox in the settings but it's only under SPIDF which I'm not using in this case

Thank you


Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

Please toggle it to hear the difference.

Also you might show a pic of the Matrix view so we can be sure routing is working as expected.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by kuharido 2019-06-10 23:46:59)

Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

Hi there

Yes I tried toggling it anyways, no difference.

I'm attaching a screenshot of total Mix and the settings dialogue with Emphasis toggled (also tried off which was my default).

The external audio source is connected to analog input 5/6

My. main out is An/12

Linkes in case images don't render … t=scu4h27w … t=bzhisdrg

Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

New update

Ok the weirdest thing happened and I don't know if or how it's related

I have the FF also connected to a Babyface Pro through in/out optical and I sometimes route audio between the two.

I have the Babyface Pro set as the master and FF400 as the slave, usually everything has been working fun, occasionally, and I'm not sure why, the FF looses the sync and resets to 32khz (usual setting is 44.1) and I get a crackling noise, in the past this has happened occasionally, couldn't pin it to one thing only but I noticed it happens **sometimes** for example if I open the Fireface settings dialogue on its own and the way to fix is is to also open the Babyface Pro setting and then they usually get back in sync. Anyways I ignored this thinking it was a mere annoyance

Now when I was taking the screenshots for you the audio actually worked fine *I think it wasn't for long enough) and then a minute later after having stopped the audio I heard that out of sync crackle from the speaker. Then I played the audio a second time it was audibly more Bassy

Hope that helps


Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

So programs like FF access the 400 to change its sample rate? Maybe check the settings for the default audio output, plus speaker settings. Also a screenshot of the BF Pro might be helpful. The other two did not show something suspicious.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

I guessed that initially but not software is doing such changes (I've looked at logic and basic computer audio output even though that's not routed to the Fireface in any way. The switch seems to happen if I open the FF400 settings app but not the Babyface Pro settings app, once I open that it seems they sync again) so I'm guessing it's some kind of issue with the two interfaces dropping somehow. I've tried a different pair of optical cables and still does it

Screenshots of Babyface Pro total mix and computer audio settings attached … t=6yxum26v … t=6yxum26v … t=6yxum26v


Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

That's not the Babyface Pro Settings dialog where you set the clock etc. Open the BF Pro one first, take screenshot, open the FF400 one additionally, take another screenshot. So we can see the change in clocking.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Bassy muffled sound through interface

Update: Turns out the basssy sound was a cable problem not related to the clocking I think that was just coincidental but separate problem

The clocking issue still happens, the FF400 doesn't always change to 32khz so it's hard to screenshot it when it does but the signal (pretty much randomly based on my observations) stats crackling and is only resolved if I open both settings dialogues. Here is a screenshot of both though they're playing well right this moment … t=4489bfld