Topic: Korg Nano Kontrol 2 Tip
OK, this might be interesting for Korg NanoKontrol2 Users (Mackie Control mode 'Cubase') - you'll have to filter out note numbers 24-31 coming from the nano otherwise you'll go nuts, because a temporary group will be created everytime you touch a fader and all the others touched before will move with this fader.
This is because the Nano sends a 'select channel' message everytime you use a fader, which TM uses for 'create temporary fadergroup'.
I'm using the great MidiPipe from Nico Wald, there's even a new version 1.5.4 which is catalina ready. I also use it to remap some commands (Mono, Speaker B) - running all the time since around 10 years now
It's donationware: