Topic: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

Can any of these units use the MIDI input to receive MIDI data from a MIDI keyboard?

2 (edited by ramses 2019-07-17 07:46:57)

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

On preamps and AD/DA converter the MIDI port is for remote controlling and configuring the devices.

Alternatively you can use also MIDI over MADI if you have a MADI capable recording interface and
devices (like those you mentioned in your post).

If you have a RME recording interface with MIDI port, this is a different story, then the RME ASIO driver supports that you can use this MIDI port to connect MIDI devices like a MIDI keyboard
or to use the MIDI port for remote operations in case you have no MADI recording interface/devices.

Only in regards to one thing I am not sure to complete this topic (needs kind help of RME):

Assumed you have a RME recording device and use one MIDI bus/chain for remote controlling RME devices, whether this MIDI bus needs to be dedicated for remote controlling purpose or whether it would be allowed to connect also other devices like MIDI keyboard.
When looking quickly at the MIDI remote application I couldnt see a selection of MIDI channel (1..16), maybe possible if you could separate remote control and MIDI keyboard to different MIDI channels. But in that regards I am not sure.
Maybe this is the reason why RME devices have usually 2 MIDI ports (IN/OUT) , so that you can use one bus for remote control and the other for connecting devices.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

3 (edited by blackcom 2019-07-18 00:20:18)

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

ramses wrote:

On preamps and AD/DA converter the MIDI port is for remote controlling and configuring the devices.

Alternatively you can use also MIDI over MADI if you have a MADI capable recording interface and
devices (like those you mentioned in your post).

If you have a RME recording interface with MIDI port, this is a different story, then the RME ASIO driver supports that you can use this MIDI port to connect MIDI devices like a MIDI keyboard
or to use the MIDI port for remote operations in case you have no MADI recording interface/devices.

Only in regards to one thing I am not sure to complete this topic (needs kind help of RME):

Assumed you have a RME recording device and use one MIDI bus/chain for remote controlling RME devices, whether this MIDI bus needs to be dedicated for remote controlling purpose or whether it would be allowed to connect also other devices like MIDI keyboard.
When looking quickly at the MIDI remote application I couldnt see a selection of MIDI channel (1..16), maybe possible if you could separate remote control and MIDI keyboard to different MIDI channels. But in that regards I am not sure.
Maybe this is the reason why RME devices have usually 2 MIDI ports (IN/OUT) , so that you can use one bus for remote control and the other for connecting devices.

Thats a long answer without an actual answer, but thanks anyway.


Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

Then maybe you get some more useful details into your question? Why would someone connect a MIDI keyboard to a mic preamp? What exactly is it that you want to achieve?

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by ramses 2019-07-18 06:47:48)

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

blackcom wrote:
ramses wrote:

On preamps and AD/DA converter the MIDI port is for remote controlling and configuring the devices.

Thats a long answer without an actual answer, but thanks anyway.

Please re-read the 1st sentence. It tells you that this MIDI port is simply for managing RME devices.
The implicit answer of this is, "not its only for management, you can't use it for your MIDI keyboard".

The rest is add-on information to this topic and that you require a MIDI port of a RME recording interface
(not preamp, not adda converter).

As you did not write much about your setup, which recording interface you actually use, I brainstormed further whether you are remote controlling your mentioned devices already ans whether it would possible to add your MIDI keyboard simply to the end of the chain shall it be more feasible for you from cabling perspective instead of using the separate 2nd MIDI port of your RME recording interface.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

ramses wrote:
blackcom wrote:
ramses wrote:

On preamps and AD/DA converter the MIDI port is for remote controlling and configuring the devices.

Thats a long answer without an actual answer, but thanks anyway.

Please re-read the 1st sentence. It tells you that this MIDI port is simply for managing RME devices.
The implicit answer of this is, "not its only for management, you can't use it for your MIDI keyboard".

The rest is add-on information to this topic and that you require a MIDI port of a RME recording interface
(not preamp, not adda converter).

As you did not write much about your setup, which recording interface you actually use, I brainstormed further whether you are remote controlling your mentioned devices already ans whether it would possible to add your MIDI keyboard simply to the end of the chain shall it be more feasible for you from cabling perspective instead of using the separate 2nd MIDI port of your RME recording interface.

The actual interface is a MADI FX card and the MIDI inputes for each device actually shows up in my DAW, so i asked.

Is there an extension cable available for the MADI FX breakout cable, btw?

7 (edited by ramses 2019-07-22 07:50:03)

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

> so I asked

Sure, but in your start post you didn't tell anything about your recording interface or surrounding conditions (the reason why you asked), so it sounded, as if you planned to connect your MIDI keyboard to your converter / preamp alone ;-) But don't worry, here we go:

The MIDI ports which you should see in your DAW are the one per breakout cable and three internal ones which are "virtual MIDI ports" (one per MADI bus, for "MIDI over MADI").

The usual setup is, to remote control your MADI devices using "MIDI over MADI" and to connect your MIDI keyboard to the HDSPe MADI FX card's MIDI port.

> Is there an extension cable available for the MADI FX breakout cable, btw?

Not to my knowledge .. The handbook lists accessories for the card in chapter 7 and also in the product description on webserver I do not see anything like this. Simply use longer cables for MIDI and AES.

According to internet MIDI cables can be up to 15m long if you take a shielded cable. Thomann offers up to 10m, i.e. this from Sommer cable: … di_100.htm
I would start with 10m and if you really need 15m to look for a 15m shielded cable and try.

If you need longer cables then you need something like a "midi line amplifier".
A quick search led to this product, I am not sure whether there are less expensive available: … lifier.htm

Hope this helps.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: ADI8QS, Micstacy, M32AD MIDI

Thank you so much!!