1 (edited by zenkick 2020-02-29 23:06:48)

Topic: UFX Hardware Failure?

Having difficulties with the built in effect returns. I had noise a couple years ago, replaced the power supply after talking to Synthax (resolved at the time), and now recently I'm getting nada from the built-ins.

Running SW 1.63 and I get the following diagnostic codes:

212782 ffff ffff 18 0 242

Before I factory reset and apply any current software/firmware updates, I wanted to see what our illustrious leaders (MC?) have to say.



Re: UFX Hardware Failure?

Nothing new to say. Your device is defective and needs repair, as has been documented several times in several threads. A reset won't help.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX Hardware Failure?

My searches of this forum didn't yield any results with that exact code, nor did I see any documentation on diagnosis of said codes, thus my inquiry in the RME forum. Sorry for the bother -- I'll call Synthax.