Topic: Strange RME UFX Driver Behavior

Hi RME guys,

I experience a strange UFX behavior with Cycling74 MaxMSP8.

It seems like UFX drivers affect MaxMSP performance even if no soundcard is selected in MaxMSP software (audio engine in MaxMSP is OFF). When I select UFX ASIO as a soundcard, performance does not change (stays the same compared to "none soundcard" selected). If i turn UFX off, MaxMSP patch immediately starts to work properly.

I recorded a short video to demonstrate this:

This behavior happens with FW and USB connection. I tested this on 3 computers: Win7, Win10 and MacBookPro. Strange behavior only happens on Win7 and Win10 machines. MBP works fine. I have latest UFX firmware and drivers installed. Clock is set to "Internal". Buffersize settings do not matter.

NOTE: I also own BabyFacePro. If i connect BabyFacePro into the same USB port and use the same hardware and the same drivers, this strange behavior DOES NOT HAPPEN. I can use BabyFacePro with MaxMSP at 64-sample buffersize without a single glitch.

Has anyone experienced something like this? Could someone help me figure out what the problem really is?

Thank you,
