Topic: Debug macOS driver not loaded Security problem
We repeatedly see users that install hardware and driver and can not use it - because quite obviously macOS blocks the driver and TotalMix FX. Often even the user knows that this is the case because the expected dialog to 'allow' the driver does not come up at all.
Documented are several ways to solve this:
- manually perform the 'allow' function in the Security & Privacy app. Will only work if the RME driver is shown there.
- reinstall the driver including reboots several times until the dialog comes up
- delete the driver's kernel extension manually prior to reinstalling it.
In seldom cases this all fails and the unit/driver stays blocked. There is a thread about this that includes a lot of details: … gatekeeper
There should be a way to find out why macOS denies loading the driver. Following is a description of it. Note that we do not have a computer where this mean behavior is happening, so the described method might not work. But it is worth a try. Here we go:
Experienced customers could try to load the driver manually with the command line tool "kextutil" and see what error message they get (ideally the driver is loaded once and available in the future).
If you want to load (or check) KEXT directly from the Library folder, you have to navigate to it within the terminal window using the change directory command: "cd ...", "cd ...", "cd library", "cd extensions" (the first two "..." go from the user directory to the roots directory, from there to the non-Apple drivers).
Then you can check with "ls" that there is a file "RMEFirefaceUSB.kext" in the directory and type "sudo kextutil -v 2 RMEFirefaceUSB.kext" and confirm with your login password (-v 2 sets the info level). If the KEXT was already loaded as on our computers the output is a bit cryptic:
user@User-MBP extensions % sudo kextutil -v 2 rmefirefaceusb.kext
Defaulting to kernel file '/System/Library/Kernels/kernel'
/Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext appears to be loadable (not including linkage for on-disk libraries).
Loading /Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext.
Reading load info for 19 kexts.
KextAudit initialized: audit=T
KextAudit didn't find a bridge: audit=F
Created mkext for architecture x86_64 containing 1 kexts.
(kernel) Notice - new kext, v1.2 matches prelinked kext but can't determine if executables are the same (no UUIDs).
(kernel) Received request from user space to load kext de.rme-audio.driver.RMEFirefaceUSB.
/Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext successfully loaded (or already loaded)
If macOS blocks the kernel extension from loading maybe the info why is shown here.
Edit: Final solution to this issue ican be found here: … 41#p152741
Matthias Carstens