Topic: HiDPI 4k Monitor and hdspmixer / hdspconf
I posted the question on askubuntu: … ing-factor
I am running Ubuntu 20.04 (Gnome) with the Ubuntu Studio packages installed. I'm working with a RME HDSP 9652 (Hammerfall) sound card and an ASUS HiDPI 32" screen. hdspmixer and hdspconf work as expected, but on my HiDPI screen I can barely read the text in hdspconf and the mixer in hdspmixer is practically unusable unless I hold a magnifying glass to the screen. I cannot resize the windows, either. Everything in the apps is very small.
I have gnome running at 200% via "Settings --> Display".
QT is at a factor of 2 for my photo editor (AfterShot) via export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=2 in .profile in ~. Is there something similar I can do for hdspconf and hdspmixer?
Or is the scaling specific to the applications? Any workarounds besides a lower resolution monitor?