Topic: Original RME UFX is the only reason I still have a Windows PC...

I bought the UFX when it first came out. It has been a solid performer in those years, as have the drivers and TotalMix.
It all just works and I never have to give a second thought to it, like turning on a light switch. Just that simple, and if you knew me you'd know how important simple is to me.

MicroSoft should give RME a slice of their profits, for if there were Linux drivers for the UFX I would switch over in a heartbeat. I've read the posts in this Linux forum and I understand the difficulties involved in porting these products, so I'm not complaining so much as being wistful. I couldn't be happier with RME. Well, maybe a little... I guess I posted this in the off-chance that RME was waiting for one more user to chirp about it.:)

Re: Original RME UFX is the only reason I still have a Windows PC...

Does it have class compliant mode? I've been using the Babyface Pro in class compliant mode on Linux for years, no issues.
Would be nice if it had official Linux support so I could get TotalMix etc. though!

Re: Original RME UFX is the only reason I still have a Windows PC...

Yes! The original UFX in Class Compliant mode works with Linux. I use it everyday.
You'll have to use the interface's UI for configuration, as there's no TotalMix for Linux, but this has hardly a real problem.

Re: Original RME UFX is the only reason I still have a Windows PC...

Thanks to RME I will never have a windows pc again  !
Apple should give a piece of the cake to RME, or at least should not change the system without talking to RME.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Original RME UFX is the only reason I still have a Windows PC...

I'm wondering if the UFX+, in Class Compliant mode works via Thunderbolt (USB4/USB-C) in Linux? Rather, does it work this way with any OS?
Does anyone have experience with this or know the answer?