Topic: Which gear to replace FF800 ?
Hi, I don't know where I can post this topic, so I post it here, sorryif it is the wrong place.
I've been using my FF800 for a long time, maybe 2003 or 2004. First on a PC then on Macs.
I have to run Cubase on a PC I'll build on this occasion.
But I have not found any PCIe 4.0 controller card to connect my firewire gear. I post a question about this on the Vintage Stuff
forum but If I have no answer I'll buy a new card. An RME of course, but which one?
I like very much Fireface UFX+ but is it compatible with Thunderbolt 3? If not, how many tracks can I get with a USB 3.1 port?
Otherwise, is there a PCIe 4.0 gear, with a rack with 8 Ins and Outs (or more) like the FF800?
Thanks in advance for your help, I'm sorry if the message is not clear but I'm confused.