Topic: HDSPe AIO minimum latency on MacOS?

Hello again friends,

I've been using HDSPe AIO + Reaper and today I tested I can run buffer at 16 samples, resulting latencies 0.8ms/1.5ms (in+out) with RT CPU usage around 30% on 22 tracks project with few plugins,

I tried buffer of just 8 but I immediately heard some kind of high pitched "whining", so I put it back at my default 32,

I wonder though, is it "safe" for the HDSPe card (and the computer itself) to run at buffers this low?

HDSPe AIO, ADI-2 DAC, Fireface UFX, Octamic D, Octamic II
Reaper, Windows 11, M2 Studio

Re: HDSPe AIO minimum latency on MacOS?

Where exactly did you hear this noise? There is no "safety" concern around lower buffers. All you'd get if things don't work would be dropouts or the like.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs