Topic: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II


I need to transfer all settings from the UFX to an UFX II.

I did the follwing, did work only partly:

Saved workspace form UFX, loaded it into UFX II.

I assumed all settings will be equal as in UFX. but this was not the case.

How to do it correctly?



Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II

Which of the settings were not correct?

Matthias Carstens

Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II


I saved the workspace on position Mix3 with UFX.
I have set all Mixes 1..8.

Then I loaded it into UFX II.
I discovered that all Mixes are on position of Mix3. So selecting Mix Mix 8 is always the same as Mix3.

In the original, UFX settings I had all Mixes with different settings, Faders, Mutes, routing etc.

Maybe somthing is fdifferent in UFX and UFX II so that it does not work just to load workspace.



Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II

We will check that. Meanwhile simply store all Snapshots as single file and load them one after the other, then save all as Workspace.

Matthias Carstens


Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II

We checked and can not reproduce, all 8 Snapshots are loaded correctly. Can you please send me the Workspace that doesn't work for you?

Matthias Carstens

Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II


okay will do that.


7 (edited by sschoepe 2020-10-24 07:49:30)

Re: transfering all settings, totalmix from UFX to UFX II

I just upgraded from UFX to UFX+. Is there a way to import my old Snapshots/Workspace files? If I try to load a setting it says: "Mismatch detected[…]"

Edit: If you come across the same problem:

I opened the snapshot files with a text editor and copied the settings from the UFX into a snapshot from the UFX+.
Then imported the UFX+ snapshot again. Of course there are more lines in the UFX+ file. You have to leave them in and only replace the lines of the channels that are present in both devices. Works and took like 10 minuted with a tool like diffmerge.