Topic: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

I've had my FF800 since 2005. I've always updated to the latest drivers etc and to be fair, it has never gone wrong but what I find most frustrating is that through all my versions of windows it never ceases to try inflict pain on the operating system. I've noticed it'll do this on the most odd occasions. For example, just switching it on post windows - this is usually a given now so I have followed previous advice on switching the FF800 on before Windows. That usually gives no blue screen restart. But, and I don't think these are coincidences, switching on a Keyboard that is connected via midi caused one the other day. Even turning on a Fan attached to the same extension socket ; now that one may be just coincidence. I do feel also that these have sometimes caused C: drive damage as well. Now before anyone tries to have a pop at me, this is just my experience of using this unit over the last 15 years and I'm finding that these blue sceens are really starting to be of some concern especially if it causes damage to the drive. Would it be a good time to retire it I'm wondering as it's never been resolved ?


2 (edited by fl 2020-12-09 19:16:35)

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

I've owned and used a FF800 for as long as you have, attached to a variety of Mac computers which run Windows thanks to Boot Camp. I have rarely experienced the Blue Screen crashes you've mentioned in that period of time, with Windows XP, 7 and now Win10, so my guess is that the problems you've encountered are unique to your system. I can turn on my interface after I've started Windows, without any problems.

Generally, when Windows throws up a Blue Screen, there is an Error Number given, which could be used in a web search to attempt to find the source of the issue, and could also be helpful to include when posting here - in addition to the details of the hardware, operating system and software you are using with the unit, along with a description of the various measures you have taken in the past when attempting to resolve the issue.

Regarding your question about whether or not it's a good idea to replace the FF800 with something newer - what would you do if you made an expensive purchase only to find that your problems persist due to some issue with your system? Wouldn't it be better to try and fix things before spending money that may not give you a satisfactory result?

That said, there are compelling reasons to consider replacing a Firewire connected device, since very few (if any) computers are being produced that have the required connection ports. Right now the daisy chain of Apple adapters mentioned in numerous posts in this forum seem to be working, but how long this will continue is unclear. I know that I'm happy with what I have for now, but once I consider upgrading my computer(s), I may be forced into the additional purchase of a new interface - an expense I'd like to postpone for as long as I can, because for the most part, my FF800 still works well and sounds great!

Frank Lockwood
Fireface 800, Firmware 2.77
Drivers: Win10, 3.125; Mac, 3.36

3 (edited by colin.mold 2020-12-09 21:09:54)

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Thanks for the response. Interesting points.  I've had new machines over the years, not many mind, but the blue screens don't seem to go away. They don't always happen but fairly frequently. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had these as I have seen many posts on it before.

The difference between your setup and mine is that you run Windows on a Mac so maybe the Mac has a better way of organising it's memory. Dunno. As I write this, I've switched on the FF800 prior to the PC and it's stable at the moment, so I'll just stick with doing that until FF800 finally conks out or I decide to go away from Firewire. Next time the PC goes into restart I'll make a note of the error. It's usually an "irq not less or equal" or a Fireface64.sys error (I think).


Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Hi, I think this is due to one of the latest window updates (2h02?) as my machine has started randomly BSOD also. I have tried different firewire pcie chipsets and swapped ports and even did a test reinstall but still having occasional BSOD.

Very frustrating as previous Windows Update 1909, killed the driver for my Allen & Heath R16 firewire mixer so im two soundcards down now ...

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Ok, thanks for the information bobule. I suspect the blue screen restarts aren't going to go away any time soon, so I think I'll just stick with what prevents them happening for me, and that is to switch on the FF800 before I switch on the PC. Something to do with the allocation of memory when done in that order so I've read. Seems to work anyway. That'll do until I upgrade to something non Firewire.

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Interesting, I get IO conflict error in the BSOD so will try your method also.

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Update, I reinstalled the legacy firewire driver and so far my system has been stable, if this is any help..

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Ok thanks.

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

colin.mold wrote:

Ok thanks.

Hi Im having the same problem I just posted a thread a couple of days ago.Im using windows 1909

changing to legacy drivers didnt work
new fw cable didnt work
new fw port didnt work
running on power adapter didnt work
today first I will try your method(turn on before pc)
if it doesnt work I will do another fresh install of windows 20H2

10 (edited by colin.mold 2022-04-15 11:54:07)

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

Just an update to this if it helps anyone. I think I can safely say, that the issue for my setup is when you actually switch on a connected Midi instrument after Windows has loaded\Fireface 800 is on.

I'll put two sequences down.
1. Switch on Fireface 800. Switch on PC and wait for windows to load.  Switch on connected Midi instruments. In my case P60 piano and JV2080 mod. Always a blue screen restart which seems to have the possibilty of being quite damaging to the disk. I'm fairly sure it screwed up my Windows installation once.
2. Switch on Fireface800.Switch on connected Midi instruments. Switch on PC and wait for Windows to load. 99% of the time no blue screen restarts.
However there are still occasional random restarts when I'm just viewing a video or something on You Tube but this isn't often.
I'm stuck with mine for the time being or as long as it keeps working.

11 (edited by ktimbak 2023-12-13 12:02:35)

Re: Fireface 800 Blue Screen Restarts

I use Firface 800 for 15years

As soon as I open a browser,google chrome
or other..the blue screens appear..
Other wise never..I am working for years with Cubase..(using midi too)but not connected to internet
and I never had the blue screen..the moment I use RME with the computer connected and You tube or other sharing the sound of the  sound cart..the problem appears.Without internet connection,never had a blue screen .
Try it .