Topic: HDSPe AES "No Lock" with Lynx Aurora 8

I´m tryng to connect my HDSPe AES with the Lynx Aurora 8 working as a stand alone converter. I´m using AES EBU db 25 cable (with Tascam cpnnector for RME and Yamaha connector for Lynx) to conect to each other but Hammerfall shows all AES in "No Lock". What´s wrong?


Re: HDSPe AES "No Lock" with Lynx Aurora 8

So far in all comparable cases the cable was not what was needed. You need to measure that the DB-25 connectors have the matching pinout on both sides. And/or are labeled correctly (you could just reverse the cable for a test).

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe AES "No Lock" with Lynx Aurora 8

I did! I checked many times. Is there any other things to try? Btw world clock do syncs.
Maybe AES out from the Lynx should be acrivated/configurated in some way? I´m doing just what Lynx Aurora´s manual is telling me to do.

Re: HDSPe AES "No Lock" with Lynx Aurora 8

So, here is the solution. It was a cable problem. The cable was not wired correctly swapping the inputs and outputs (output of the RME going to the input of the Lynx and vice versa).  Normally when a D25 Tascam to Yamaha cable is made, they don't do the swap.
Happy to be running all my set up as always imagined!