Topic: Windows 10 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD when Turning Off Fireface 400/UFX

We recently upgraded our PCs to Windows 10 20H2 with a clean install for our OBS V26 Livestream setup using the OBS asio plugin v3.0.0. We ran into an issue where when we remove (turn off) an interface on FireWire while OBS is running on Windows 10 20H2, we have a PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD.

We thought it was strange since at the time no audio was passing through it. When we use the USB interface of the Fireface UFX or a separate Babyface Pro, we don't have this issue. Also, when we turn off OBS, we don't have an issue when we turn off the FireWire Fireface interface.

(FireWire Setup: Thunderbolt 3 port --> Apple Thunderbolt 3 to 2 Adapter --> Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter --> Fireface 400 or UFX)

It appears that this is a very similar issue to what is described here:

The latest Windows FireWire driver was updated on 2019-02-27. Could it be that the fix that was released for the USB drivers to deal with the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD (Surprise Removal with Windows 2004 if ASIO is not completely released) issue that started with Windows 10 2004 has not been ported to the FireWire driver yet and this is possibly the same issue?


Re: Windows 10 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD when Turning Off Fireface 400/UFX

The fix was to port old code of the FW driver to the USB one. So no, unlikely.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Windows 10 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD when Turning Off Fireface 400/UFX

Thanks for the quick reply. Since it's using some of the code from the FW driver, then it looks like it's a different issue. We'll spend some more time troubleshooting. If we find anything else, we'll report back here.