Topic: Mackie Control on S1 – moving up and down


We are using an Avid S1 here and also an old Digidesign Pro Control (Main Unit + Extender) with Neyrinck V-Control Pro.

Faders in Total Mix generally work with Mackie Control on both, but:

- channels are locked to the Inputs in Total Mix on the S1 and the Pro Control Extender, as those do not have up or down buttons. Thus, no way to control Software Playback or Hardware Outputs. Is there any way or workaround to move them from the software?


2 (edited by JohanW 2021-02-10 07:30:19)

Re: Mackie Control on S1 – moving up and down

I’m using a S1 to control my UFX. Now often in a broadcast-like setup for Teams and Zoom meetings (the things you do these days).
To control content audio, SFX, beds and BG-music I route a sw-playback channel to a free adat hw-output and loopback with à cabel to the adat hw-input. That makes it controllable by the S1.
I’m running out of free hw-output channels and its cumbersome. Hopefully, I just haven’t found the best way. It would be so much easier to be able to have both the hw-inuput and the sw-output on same row. Then again, I’ve seen explanations to why its not possible or at least not the way Total Mix is designed so I’m also looking for better workarounds.

Thanks! /Johan

Re: Mackie Control on S1 – moving up and down

Well, I am afraid you found the best way for the S1. Thanks, I will do the physical loopback next time I need it (also for Zoom things...), still have some free channels on my Digiface USB.

As far as I know, Hardware Inputs and Software Playback faders can never be on the same row on one Midi controller in Mackie mode. If there would be a way to move down a row with the S1, then two S1 would work: one controlling the inputs, another one the software playbacks.
That's how I made it work on the Pro Control, as its Main Unit can move between the rows.