Topic: Extra EQ bands possible?

I use the EQ on my mains channel as room correction. Unfortunately, there are only 3 bands. Any chance of TotalMix adding more (like the 5 in ADI), or does anyone know a workaround or trick to get more bands?


Re: Extra EQ bands possible?


A workaround I discovered is to run everything to SPDIF OUT, and run the digital cable back into SPDIF IN, which gives me an extra 3 bands of EQ. I then send this to the control room main out.

Re: Extra EQ bands possible?

superbaka wrote:


A workaround I discovered is to run everything to SPDIF OUT, and run the digital cable back into SPDIF IN, which gives me an extra 3 bands of EQ. I then send this to the control room main out.

Should be 9 bands in total then or? 3 on SPDIF Out, 3 on SPDIF In and 3 on the Main Out?
Quite useful for room correction, now we only need a delay for further alignments.

Re: Extra EQ bands possible?

I wanted to start the same topic.

Yes more bands would be really great. I don't mind losing FX on another channel to get more on another one. But please without patching like above. :-)

Would it be possible technically to disable FXs for a channel to use the power on another one combined? A 6 or 9 band parametric eq would be great.

I'm asking myself if there are other things that could be added to enhance the usage as room EQ?

Re: Extra EQ bands possible?

I think the effects use the computer processing so I doubt it would be possible but someone may know differently. There are features I would like but my guess it will be kept simple

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

6 (edited by mr.r 2021-03-14 13:20:45)

Re: Extra EQ bands possible?

No, as far as I know totalmixFX are processed on the hardware.

For using it as a room EQ. Usually a digital EQ is the same, most digital minimum phase EQs (btw. I do not want to use anything else as a room EQ) null with the same setting.

I'm wondering if there are any compromises made in regards to sound quality for performance reasons in the totalFX EQ? I guess the main intention was to use it for tracking and not on the master channel?

In other words, is there anything in the EQ algorithm that could be enhanced or is it already as good as it gets for a minimal phase EQ?