Topic: lose output plugs

I'm a total newbie and I have a BabyFace Pro FS just out of the box.
The sockets for the output XLRs don't have appear a physical lock - there seems to be nowhere for the click-lock on the female XLR plugs to click into so they keep falling out.
I must have missed something basic. Any ideas?

Re: lose output plugs

There's no lock mechanism. But if plugged in all the way, cables don't just "fall out"... If needed, tie cables around a table leg or so to avoid disconnection.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: lose output plugs

Ah OK. £600 sound card and elastic bands.
Strange ... ;-)


Re: lose output plugs

You better check your XLR cables. When they easily 'fall out' the connectors of them must be crap.

Matthias Carstens

Re: lose output plugs

JohnnyMindlin wrote:

Ah OK. £600 sound card and elastic bands.
Strange ... ;-)

Not what I said. But if you pull on a cable connected to a device as light as the BF Pro, you'd just pull it off the table if the cables were locked. So it's a good idea to think of some kind of strain relief anyhow.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: lose output plugs

The sockets are a good fit. It would take a good pull to get them out. Got to be better than the BF flying across the room if it had locks on

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.