1 (edited by PhilActiveAudio 2021-10-28 10:32:08)

Topic: RME Fireface UCX II distortion at high frequency

Hi to all,

I am using a RME Fireface UCX II to measure my Hi-Fi system to build an active filter with ACOURATE. My system is made of 3 voices: Low, Medium and High. This filter is used with the convolution engine of ROON.

FYI, all EQ and FX in TotalMix are off.

When measuring my system with ACOURATE at 48 kHz from 10 to 23 kHz, I found that the impulse is having little oscillations after the pulse. It is getting better when limiting the measurement at 20 kHz but still I have some little glitches. I have the same oscillations when measuring at 96 kHz from 10 to 47 kHz with better results when limiting at 40 kHz.

I tried a direct loopback card measurement of the card (Analog Out -> Analog in) and I get the same result. I also tried a loopback measurement with a Babyface Pro and I also had the same strange oscillations after the pulse... Those oscillations looks like "preringing" and "postringing" artefacts of the impulse itself, very small for preringing but quite noticable for postringing.

Any idea of what I may do wrong?

The problem is that these glitches / oscillations give some problems to define the appropriate convolver filter at the impulse is polluted.

Thanks in advance for your help.