Topic: 16bits

Whatever the source, I never get a signal better than 48 kHz and 16bits either with CDs and bluerays or streaming (amazon HD) with a coaxial source

Re: 16bits

Maybe you should question your source device ... can it send higher than 48/16?

Re: 16bits

Yes it can

Re: 16bits

Sorry. First thank you for your answer.
As digital sources, I used a marantz UD9004 and a cambridge audio 752BD.

Re: 16bits

May you tell what your device is ?

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: 16bits

I use these sources with the adi da

Re: 16bits

Do you mean the ADI-2 DAC FS ?
adi da does not exist.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: 16bits

chossegros.p wrote:

Sorry. First thank you for your answer.
As digital sources, I used a marantz UD9004 and a cambridge audio 752BD.

If you play a CD, it is CD format 16/44.1.

Try streaming music which is 24/192kHz.

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Listen music out from a box which sounds
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