Topic: Madi converter recomendation


I am looking for recommendations for a Madi converter that will work for my needs.

I am sending 6 audio channels (5.1 setup) out of my Cubase PC with a RME Madi card and need it to connect into a Dangerous Stereo Monitor for listening back through my speakers in 5.1. Which Madi converter would be recommended to place between the RME Madi card and the Dangerous ST Monitor in the signal chain?

Also, I need to have the option of simualtanously listening to an adat input from another separate PC. Finally it would great to have at least 1 line mic input for in studio recording.

Help help or recommendation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Re: Madi converter recomendation

The Ferrofish Pulse 16MX might check most of your boxes, apart from a mic input (line only). Check their own online shop, they sometimes have affordable B-stock units.

Best wishes!

MADIface(s) Pro, UFX+, MADI Router
Mac mini Intel, iPad Air 2020
ProTools, Hindenburg

Re: Madi converter recomendation

Thank you for your reply!
Yes, the mic line input is not critical and may be something I deal with later on separately. From what I've gathered so far my RME options are:

ADI-8 QS with Madi card
M-32/16 (I've seen a few of these being resold at very reasonable prices)

Third party options I've seen are the Ferrofish, Antelope Orion 32, and the SSL Alpha Link. I have only ever used RME products over the years and don't have experience with the Ferrofish or the Antelope options. In your opinion how do the third party options compare to the RME DA converters?

Thanks again for your reply and help!

4 (edited by hardyroede 2022-01-05 20:20:03)

Re: Madi converter recomendation

dnielsen14 wrote:

From what I've gathered so far my RME options are:

ADI-8 QS with Madi card
M-32/16 (I've seen a few of these being resold at very reasonable prices)

The M 32/16 comes in D-A or A-D only versions, so if you buy it for your listening purposes it won’t give you the line in. ADI-8 has ins & outs, but is comparatively costly. If you can afford the UFX+ (and can source one) it‘s IMO by far the best option, as it is one of the mightiest interfaces in its own right, and can also perform as a standalone AD/DA converter for all your MADI and ADAT needs. It btw has some of the best mic preamps on the market.

dnielsen14 wrote:

In your opinion how do the third party options compare to the RME DA converters?

I only use RME equipment (UFX+, Madiface Pro) myself and am highly fond of it. Just have read good things about the Ferrofish equipment, and thought of it as an adequate budget solution for your use case. The config and flexibility of them seems to be cool, so if I ever would need I/O beyond the UFX+, I would try them.

MADIface(s) Pro, UFX+, MADI Router
Mac mini Intel, iPad Air 2020
ProTools, Hindenburg

Re: Madi converter recomendation

Thank you again for your continued help! Yes, the UFX+ does look like the best option, ticking all my boxes. My preference is to stay with RME hardware if possible.

Question about the M 32/16 - I see that they have both Madi and Adat inputs. Is it possible to use both inputs simultaneously? Or am I limited to a either or situation. The mic line IN is something that can be dealt with later when needed.

Re: Madi converter recomendation

dnielsen14 wrote:

Question about the M 32/16 - I see that they have both Madi and Adat inputs. Is it possible to use both inputs simultaneously? Or am I limited to a either or situation. The mic line IN is something that can be dealt with later when needed.

Never handled them myself, but tbe manual p. 15 states that MADI and ADAT ins perform in an either-or configuration.

MADIface(s) Pro, UFX+, MADI Router
Mac mini Intel, iPad Air 2020
ProTools, Hindenburg

Re: Madi converter recomendation

Thank you for the clarification. I will investigate the manuals more deeply to see which options will actually work for me. Seems like the UFX+ is the perfect solution at the moment. I appreciate your help!

Re: Madi converter recomendation

UFX+ is a very nice device.
Another good alternative is the HDSPe MADI FX, the only PCIe card with
- FX chip
- three MADI busses (optional daughter card to get the 3rd bus as optical as well)
- optimizing driver only allocating resources for groups of 8 I/O ports if at least one port of 8 is active

The HDSPe MADI FX has one analog phones port for quick monitoring.
Then also AES, which is ideal to connect an ADI-2 Pro FS R BE for your monitoring section (monitors, headphones).

An advantage can be here, being able to separate and distribute RME devices according to the type of remote control.

When I tested the card I found out, that I can not mix remote control by
- Auxdevice for XTC and
- MIDI remote for ADI-8 QS
because the devices confuse themselves each other which randomly changes a setting.

The only solution is to distribute the devices like e.g.
MADI BUS 1: all auxdevice based devices like preamps (XTC and hopefully soon 12Mic)
MADI BUS 2: all midi Remote based devices

The UFX+ gives you in contrast to that a lot more flexibility in terms of I/O and you can connect it through USB3 and TB
and you can operate it in stanalone mode. It has Autoset for Preamps, Instrument inputs, 2 phones outputs and DURec.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10