Topic: Babyface first generation drivers.

Good morning,
I've just bought a used babyface first generation and grey colour. I'm trying to find a list of all the different driver releases and links to download them.

I have an old computer on windows 7, hence the need for all the drivers, just in case one driver doesn't work on my system due to whatever windows update is missing on my system and such.

I can't seem to find any driver for the babyface first gen on Rme's websites.

Best regards,


Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Took me three clicks. Did you overlook 'Downloads' at the top of the website?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by judelaw 2022-01-06 16:45:28)

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Thank you Mr Carstens,
I got one driver from 2021 : Version 1.219.

But it is the only one I can see for windows7.

I have an unupdated version of windows 7, so I would need all drivers from 2011 (Babyface first generation's release date).

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

There is no such list of drivers as it is one driver.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

judelaw wrote:

Thank you Mr Carstens,
I got one driver from 2021 : Version 1.219.

But it is the only one I can see for windows7.

I have an unupdated version of windows 7, so I would need all drivers from 2011 (Babyface first generation's release date).

I asked for this the other day as well, (why there are no list of previous drivers) - unfortunately wasn't answered.

This is what I could find: driver is from 2016 version: 1.093


Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

judelaw wrote:

Thank you Mr Carstens,
I got one driver from 2021 : Version 1.219.

But it is the only one I can see for windows7.

I have an unupdated version of windows 7, so I would need all drivers from 2011 (Babyface first generation's release date).

No, you just install the latest one and it will work. If unexpectedly not we can still check what's going on. But you don't want to use very old drivers as there have been tons of improvements over the years (read the readme in the driver archive).

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Windows tells me the driver (Version 1.219.) is unsigned. The driver installed itself apparently fine, then I got a message from windows about the driver being unsigned. I restarted the computer, the babyface is blinking and "babyface" appears in the device manager with a yellow sign.

I guess the driver is signed as it's RME, the unsigned driver issue is probably due to my copy of windows 7 being unupdated. That's why I wanted an old driver.

I think from past experience that there's no cure for the unsigned driver issue on my computer because I have a UEFI bios.


Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

The available driver versions are found through the driver's readme. Simply change the number at the end of the download link and you can download whatever you like: … …


Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by judelaw 2022-01-09 21:06:23)

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Thank you Mr Carstens.

It would seem that drivers prior to V 1.034 (08/15/2013) aren't downloadable this way though.


Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Who needs that? 1.034 is already from 2013, but for your case you most probably do not have to go back more than 2 years. And earlier versions than 1.034 have the old TotalMix (not TM FX), which causes other issues.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Ok I'll try the 2013 and onward versions.

I'd like to have the older ones too though, at least one of them. I don't know how old my windows 7 copy is, and I had issues trying to update it in the past. In fact I bought the Babyface 1st gen especially for this reason, because the 1st gen is as old as my pc.

12 (edited by judelaw 2022-01-11 04:00:31)

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Doesn't anyone have a babyface driver from 2011 or 2012 lying around ? I know they are old drivers but they won't give cancer to my pc will they ? I know you're trying to do good Mr Carstens, but maybe I need them if the more recent ones don't work.

Maybe I don't need the top notch updated RME experience. As a matter of fact I'm just a singer, I just need to record my voice in reaper, and I already have an analogic monitoring system with echo to monitor myself without latency.

I had to deal with windows updates a few years ago when I tried interfaces from other brands, these interfaces needed some windows updates that requires other windows updates that my pc for some reason couldn't install. I ended up returning the gear to the shop and had to go back to my motherboard onboard sound device.

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

If they don't work or don't they work? Is it a real problem or hypothetical? If newer ones work on your not updated system no need for older, am I right?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

14 (edited by judelaw 2022-01-11 08:25:05)

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

I haven't determined yet witch driver I want to try next.
Maybe it's bad to install and uninstall too many and it's better to try some in particular at first. I don't know much about that stuff. But it would be a good start to have access to all of them.

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

I wouldn' t worry too much! Some of the latest drivers for the HDSP interfaces, for example, support WinXP, still !!
And it's not hard to uninstall an RME driver! smile

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

Indeed it was easy. I chose a driver from 2017 and it seems to work. But now I'm stuck with the cable inputs smile
I don't know how it works with line and mic levels, and I don't want risking to smoke the device. The manual isn't explicit on how it works.


Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

I just checked the current USB (1.219) and and MADIface USB (0.9747) drivers. They still work under Windows 7. The next updates will no longer work, though, as the signing certificates are now too new for W7.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

It's a pity that RME has to adapt to windows. it should be the other way around. You should get in touch with the company that make Reaper and make together your own stable OS that wouldn't need so called "security updates" all the time. I would buy (or get a pirate version depending on the affordability) at once. Computers should be made by musicians, and movie makers for musicians, and movie makers. Gamers can use a playstation, they don't need computers. That makes me think that you should make some kind of a station, a computer designed for audio. Easy to say of course, but it would be customer friendly.

Re: Babyface first generation drivers.

The realm off friendly multi-usage computers is dead. Everything is controlled by microsoft and google witch are basically hedge funds specialized in advertising, it's absurd.