1 (edited by Bonfire 2022-01-17 07:50:18)

Topic: UCX II output 2 problem

Hi everyone!

I have had UCX II for couple of months now and while I’ve enjoyed using it very much, I have recently encountered a problem with the interfaces output number 2.

Everything worked perfectly for nearly three months and now I can’t receive normal signal from the output 2. The problem occurred all of a sudden and I can’t think any reason behind it. My main speakers are connected to outs 1 & 2 (L&R) and on the day I discovered the problem I noticed I could hear only from the left side speaker (Output 1). When I turned the volume up I could hear really quiet and distorted original sound from the right side speaker.

I switched the cables going to my main speakers in the outs 3 & 4 and assigned them from the Totalmix as main outputs and everything worked fine.

I have uninstalled the drivers and tried everything (different cables, different devices connected to output 2 etc.) and I can’t help to think that for some reason the output 2 is malfunctioning.

Have any of you had similar problem? What could cause this kind of problem when one of the output channels suddenly starts to act up?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Re: UCX II output 2 problem

Sounds like you might need to send it in for warranty repair.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: UCX II output 2 problem

It certainly seems so that warranty may be the salvation in this case. Though, I perceived it as my last option because I desperately need that interface right now to finish some work under progress.

Do you know is there any way to perform some kind of hard reset for the interface? I couldn't find that option from the menus. Or is there any other trick that I could try before sending it for repair?

Re: UCX II output 2 problem

Small update to this.

Last weekend I was going to finish the needed recordings before I send it back for warranty check but the interface refused to work completely. I was getting only error screen "Failure in bootloader. RAM error detected FFFFFFFF". I've read somewhere about the similar error message with the UCX II.

I contacted the dealer and it's obvious I'm going to send it back. I'm aware that anything can happen with modern electronic devices, but to be honest, I'm little bit dissapointed. RME was my first choice given their reputation of reliability and the reliability is the most important factor to me when it comes to choosing my gear. I hope that eventually this will be just a small hickup on my journey with RME but we'll see how it turns out in the future.

Re: UCX II output 2 problem

Well, yeah…i choice rme mostly because of relability…
First time i had to send unit for more than one month because one input stop works just like that…without real reason…and now this…but this time there is no warranty..


Re: UCX II output 2 problem

samurabe, you are in the wrong thread.

Matthias Carstens