Topic: Using ff802 as live band mixer (di)

I am planning on using the fireface 802 and Ableton to send a mixed stereo signal of my band to the main mixer for any venue that we are playing at.

My plan is to use the line outputs on the interface to send the signal to the mixer. I know that I can't expect random mixers to pad line level inputs.

Do I need a di to send the signal at mic level? I have tried as a test to turn down the gain on the output and feed it to the mic input on the front of the interface and it seems to work fine. Obviously I'll test this on a mixer before I try it at my first gig but I only have access to try it on one mixer at a rehearsal studio before I try the system out in the real world.

I am just asking will I be fine running a low volume signal out or is it better I transform it down with a di and send that signal instead?