Topic: Question about Fireface UFX working together with Madiface


I have a quick question which I can't find the answer to online, I am using my Fireface UFX with an ADAT converter at the moment. Now I have an option to buy a MADI converter for my studio.

My question is can I use my Fireface UFX with an ADAT converter together and simultaneously with a Madiface of HDSPe Madi card together with an Madi converter? So using ADAT and Madi at the same time with 2 interfaces, will that work with tracking on both digital types of inputs for instance?

Hope anyone knows the answer to this, thanks!


Logic Pro X | RME Fireface UFX | ARC USB

Re: Question about Fireface UFX working together with Madiface

On a Mac, you can create an aggregate device. How well this will work remains to be seen. You'd also need to ensure correct sync between the UFX and the external MADI converters (Word Clock).

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Question about Fireface UFX working together with Madiface

RME support is right. You can use aggregate device on a mac but this will add as a minimum 0.3ms in round trip latency. Maybe because you’re interested in HDSPe card you’re also interested in best round trip latency?

You could run the HDSP card as audio interface and connect UFX via adat only if you had something like ADI-648. Or you could do what I do - run a Madiface USB and ADI-648. Either way you would need to find a way to bridge MADI <> adat for that.

Paul Najar
Jaminajar Music Production