Topic: Changing snapshots via MIDI

I want to create a c++ console application that will change the snap shot (mix) over a MIDI connection. But being completely new to MIDI I am a bit confused and need some clarification. I see in the documentation that to change the snapshot, the values of 0x36 to 0x3d are used. Now where I am confused... Do I need to send channel information? is this a sysexe message? what would the full hex string be? something like 0xB0 0x37 0x7F? And when the snap shot is changed over midi, will the change be reflected in TotalMix?

Any help is appreciated because I am stuck.

I am using 2 different device. Fireface UFX and babyface pro.



Re: Changing snapshots via MIDI

From the manual: Fortunately a Mackie Control compatible controller is not required to control these buttons, as they are steered by simple Note On/Off commands on MIDI channel 1.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing snapshots via MIDI

Okay, given that said, by using the pocketMidi (app) keyboard I should be able to change snapshots by sending the correct note, correct?

So, I hit the key that send a 90 37 7f message the Babyface should change snapshot? and of I send 90 38 7f it should change to the next snapshot? I ask because I am not seeing the snapshot change in totalmix..

So, what am I doing wrong here?


Re: Changing snapshots via MIDI

Velocity set to max? And more importantly - does something simple like CC7 move the Main fader? If not it is about MIDI not working at all. Try a known working MIDI app first, for example the MIDI Tools from Mountain Utilities:

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing snapshots via MIDI

Hi, I need to control the RME UC snapshots from my DAW, Ableton Live. Why do RME dont react on my sent MIDI file? MIDIchannel 1, Full velocity, Note G3 ? Nor either MIDIchannel 1 CC7. My controlsurface control Main with CC7 but nothing happens when it sends Midichannel 1 and Note G3. Whats wrong?
Thanks, Håkan