Topic: Can I use ADAT and MADI converters via RME UFX+ simultaneously?

I've got the following converters and I'd like to make them all work together in a perfect sync in Ableton Live 11 on a new Mac Studio Max:

- 2 X Mytek 8X192 (16 channels I/O via ether ADAT or AES/EBU)
- 2 X Ferrofish MX (32 channels I/O via either MADI or ADAT)

I've already got a single RME USB Digiface, but now I am considering selling that and buying RME UFX+ instead to gain access to all the channels via the single TotalMix app.

In theory, and from RME's site, this way I could use thunderbolt connection to my Mac Studio and all at the same time get access to:

- UFX+'s own 12 I/O
- Mytek's 16 I/O via 2 ADAT
- Ferrofish's 32 I/O via MADI

I am asking about the real world experiences here...Is this really possible?

Thanks much

2 (edited by ramses 2022-04-03 12:18:12)

Re: Can I use ADAT and MADI converters via RME UFX+ simultaneously?

charles_29 wrote:

[...] I've already got a single RME USB Digiface, but now I am considering selling that and buying RME UFX+ instead to gain access to all the channels via the single TotalMix app.
In theory, and from RME's site, this way I could use thunderbolt connection to my Mac Studio and all at the same time get access to:
- UFX+'s own 12 I/O
- Mytek's 16 I/O via 2 ADAT
- Ferrofish's 32 I/O via MADI
I am asking about the real world experiences here...Is this really possible? [...]

Hi Charles,

the UFX+ is an excellent choice to be able to make exactly such expansions.
Yes, all ports are useable, the UFX+ is a 94 (IN + OUT) channel interface.
It gives you a lot of features in only one rack unit, an amazing device, the best on the market and with a lot of improvements in contrast to the old flagship interface UFX. These changes and improvements I put together here: … 8-RME-UFX/

So, you can expand your UFX+ by using all those digital ports:
- 2x ADAT (2x8ch @single speed, 2x4ch @double speed, 2x2ch @quad speed)
- 1x AES (2ch @single, double and quad speed)
- 1x MADI (64ch @single speed, 32ch @double speed, 16ch @quad speed)

Also very stable when being used with USB3, just in case thunderbolt is not available.
Even USB2 is possible, in this case to be used as 30ch interface like the UFX II.

Some technical information

Should you be interested, as you asked for real world experiences:
You can see from my blog article, that the RTL (round trip latency) of USB and thunderbolt is on about the same level: … 8-RME-UFX/

See in particular this excel screenshot containing the RTL for different RME products: … es-v2-jpg/

Regarding the Excel: you need to add the converter latency of AD/DA converters connected through ADAT/MADI. The driver can only know the converter latency of the product itself, therefore the different colums for such use cases (UFX connected to RayDAT through ADAT and an Octamic XTC connected through MADI).

Regarding performance - RTL (USB3 vs RayDAT PCIe)

I am using an artificial Cubase project for performance tests (400 tracks, 2 VSTs per track, in total 800 VSTs).
I do not get audio drops during playback even when using the lowest ASIO buffersize in single speed (32 samples).
Even double speed (96 kHz) is possible with the lowest ASIO buffersize (32 samples @96 kHz).
See here: … cks-de-en/

I never had the opportunity to use an Apple computer, but I am pretty sure that you will have a very good performance as well and with Apple you will have potentially less trouble when using Thunderbolt compared to some PC mainboards.

USB3 vs Thunderbolt

One thing to note, according to standards the max length of USB3 is 3m, for thunderbolt this is only 2m.
Thunderbolt cables and adapter (you might need one if you have thunderbolt 3 or 4 becaus they have other plugs) are quite expensive compared to a good 3x shielded USB3 premium cable from Lindy for under €25).

But you should IMHO use Thunderbolt if possible, as you get the lowest RTL and the thunderbolt driver still has the "pitch" feature, which doesn't seem to be possible with the USB transfer modes that are being used in the latest USB driver (madiface driver).

charles_29 wrote:

[...]I am asking about the real world experiences here...Is this really possible?[...]

What you might not know, the 94 audio channels (IN+OUT) are always/permanently being transferred between recording interface and PC/Apple, no matter whether you send audio through it or not. So it doesn't make any difference whether you connect additional devices through ADAT/MADI or not, the same amount of data is being transferred instantly.

The only exception are RME products with a very high channel count like HDSPe MADI FX (and if memory serves me right) Madiface XT which have both a very high channel count due to three MADI busses.
These products got a special driver, that allocates driver resources for groups of 8 channels and if at least one channel in such a group is being active/used, only then the driver allocates resources for it in the driver.

Additional ideas for your setup

Should this be of interest for you .. The UFS+'s AES port can be used nicely to expand the solution with the reference converter ADI-2 Pro FS R BE. This gives you nice additional / enhanced features for your monitoring section.
See also these blog articles where I put together some interesting information regarding that: … ses-EN-DE/ … our-Setup/ ]

BTW .. here my setup and main use cases, it's an environment with also a certain mobility in mind to have everything together in one compact 4 RU rack with a connection from my recording corner to a 2nd ADI-2 Pro FS R BE in front of my HiFi: … -DURec-DE/

Do not hesitate to ask should you have any further question.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Can I use ADAT and MADI converters via RME UFX+ simultaneously?

Thank you! Can I still use the UFX+ with my old computer running OSX High Sierra?

4 (edited by ramses 2022-04-03 15:00:20)

Re: Can I use ADAT and MADI converters via RME UFX+ simultaneously?

You're welcome.

Regarding drivers .. I can only refer to the driver download page, based on that it should be possible,
see the marked driver below:

Maybe others with a compareable Mac can comment on it...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Can I use ADAT and MADI converters via RME UFX+ simultaneously?

Your experience, with your machine, system and setup, are in no way the one and only truth. On our test machines TB runs at 32 samples. How many more users reported that TB is not working at 32 samples? So: replace 'On the M1 machine' with 'On my M1 machine', please.

Matthias Carstens