Topic: Where to get old Babyface driver for G4 (PPC, non-intel) Mac?

I'm new to this forum because I've been rockin' my Babyface for >10 years w/o issue, even w some 'sexier' options from like UAD w their plugins etc, I don't know that I'll ever leave RME given the reliaibility & longevity factor. But I digress...

Recently aquired a G4 iBook (2005) and I suppose I could run it class-compliant mode but as we all know from the manuals, said mode is lacking in features.

I can't use the internet to prove it, but I have a feeling that RME did provide a Fireface driver (all Babyface drivers i've ever installed are called by the family name) for use in OSX 10.4 (ideally) or at least OSX 10.5 PPCs (G4 or G5) as Apple's transition to Intel commenced in 2006, Babyface was released around that time.... RME *gasp* (first time ever) doesn't appear to have the driver to support the OS I'm looking for!? I imagine they removed it from the site because its existence there would likely cause more confusion and issues , maybe I'm the only chap in over a decade to come asking for this and they'll reward me w a Babyface Pro.