Topic: I've had the Madi PCIe FX for like a decade but....

....I still cannot for the love of god figure out how to have some reverb/delay on output 9+10 that goes to the headphone preamps... i usually spend 10-12 minuttes trying to get this and some times im able to make it work, but 9 of 10 times I just give up cause I just dont get how the effect routing part of Totalmix FX works and the singer has to record without any effects in the monitoring... i've read the manual etc... I think its the "assign outputs" part of the effects I'm not able to get how works.

Anyone able to give an easy explanation how to do this, so i could just copypaste to a textdoc and have on my desktop?

Re: I've had the Madi PCIe FX for like a decade but....

This could be as easy as just pulling up the Effects Return fader in the output channel... It's not the Assign button.
Have you seen our tutorial videos on Totalmix?

Daniel Fuchs