Topic: Correction in MIDI command for Trim Gains on UCX II

I believe there is an error in the User Guide for the UCX II, v1.2b, with PDF date-stamped 24Oct2021.

Page 87 give the MIDI for Trim Gain Off as:

Trim Gains Off: BC 66 xx or select a submix

... I believe the CC# is incorrect and should read (based on my experimentation):

Trim Gains Off: BC 67 xx or select a submix

Also, I'm not clear on what "select a submix" means ...

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S


Re: Correction in MIDI command for Trim Gains on UCX II

Clint Goss wrote:

I believe there is an error in the User Guide for the UCX II, v1.2b, with PDF date-stamped 24Oct2021.

Page 87 give the MIDI for Trim Gain Off as:

Trim Gains Off: BC 66 xx or select a submix

... I believe the CC# is incorrect and should read (based on my experimentation):

Trim Gains Off: BC 67 xx or select a submix


Correct, that's a typo.

Clint Goss wrote:

Also, I'm not clear on what "select a submix" means ...

Exactly that. You select a different submix as per the next line of text in the manual, and this way automaticaly disable the Trim Gains function.

Matthias Carstens