Topic: UFX/UCX Durec - Channel Record Arm State

Apologies if this has been discussed before but I tried to search with no results.

I'm using Durec as a DAW backup recorder for some of the time and I wanted to know if it's possible, or will ever be possible to include the record enable state of a track within a Snapshot?

The reason being that my full channel list for backup recording is around 30 tracks including synths, drum machines and mic pre-amps 30 tracks etc etc...I need to have these all armed to cover all the possible snapshot scenarios.

I do see that you can store track record states in the "workspace quick select" and the offline "Device States" when the computer is off.

However, when the computer is on it would be great to be able to record less tracks if I'm just using guitar/vox Snapshot for example and would save on recording all the extra data. I'm sure there are solid reasons for it being the way it is and pros/cons to both methods but would be handy as an option in preferences if it's technically possible.

Many thanks, I'm loving the UFX+