Topic: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

I have my Fireface 802 slaved to my ADI-8 via TOSLink and everything works fine when my computer is on and the 802 has a USB connection. When I shut down the computer or disconnect the 802's USB cable, it loses sync with the ADI, resulting in staticky output. I've discovered that this only happens when the 802 is set to go into CC (class compliant) mode upon disconnect. I'm just wondering if this is by design that it can't sync to a master clock via ADAT in CC mode or if there's something I can troubleshoot. For now I've disabled that option so I can use both devices without the computer but it would be nice to maintain that sync even in CC mode, because in order to get them talking again, I need to turn on the computer and open the Fireface 802 settings tray to get the 802 to recognize the incoming clock again. Thanks.

Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

Maybe it will work in CC mode with the ADI as slave to the 802? Or is there a reason not to do that?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

Have you tried this the other way round?

Daniel Fuchs


Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

The 802 when not connected to the computer does not go into CC mode by default, but stand-alone mode. For that mode it is possible to store the full configuration including clocking, see chapter 23.3. Then sync should be maintained with and without USB.

CC mode has been added for the iPad, where an app exists that allows full control of TM FX and clocking. Other OS are not supported.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by zentrails 2023-08-23 04:35:50)

Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

MC wrote:

The 802 when not connected to the computer does not go into CC mode by default, but stand-alone mode. For that mode it is possible to store the full configuration including clocking, see chapter 23.3. Then sync should be maintained with and without USB.

CC mode has been added for the iPad, where an app exists that allows full control of TM FX and clocking. Other OS are not supported.

I have the same problem except with AES where I get a solid yellow AES LED when hooked via USB to my WIN 10 computer, but when I disconnect the USB, I get the blinking light - doesn't seem to matter if I'm in CC mode or standalone mode.

I need CC mode so I can hook the 802 up via USB to my Symbolic Sound Pacamara, which seems to be working fine.

When using TotalMix I don't see any option to sync to AES - I see that in a separate program called "Fireface USB Settings"
Am I missing something in TotalMix?

I bought an old style ARC remote thinking I might be able to load "Setup 1" looks like that won't work in CC mode.

So far my AES input sounds OK (I cannot set my audio interface to slave).
The blinking light apparently means "locked but not synced" but
I can't hear any ticks, so maybe I'm worrying about nothing?

Does "AutoSync" or "SyncCheck" etc still work in CC mode?
I'm thinking the blinking LED means no.

Edit: my "old" style ARC came and sure enough it works great with USB hooked up to Win10 but not at all in class compliant mode with USB hooked up to my Pacamara. Weird thing is though, now my AES LED light is solid yellow. Not sure what I did to make that sync but it is now. So a little progress. I don't really need the ARC until(if) I use the 802 as my main audio interface so I'm plenty happy. Didn't want to use my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 for the Pacamara for a few reasons.

Right now I'm just using it to send sound from my Pacamara via AES out to my current (ancient mLAN) DAW audio interface


Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

CC mode defaults to internal clock. Only the iPad app can change that (see your quote).

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface 802 loses sync with ADI-8 when in class compliant mode

MC wrote:

CC mode defaults to internal clock. Only the iPad app can change that (see your quote).

And yet I got a steady yellow LED AES light now in CC mode so I think I'm good. Sync to my DAW seems solid even though my DAW audio interface has to be the Master.  It sounds beautiful, no artifacts that my really old ears can hear. no clicks pops or dropouts I'm a happy camper. It took an entire weekend to integrate the 802 into my system.

CC mode is not just for an iPad, it's also necessary to interface with Symbolic Sound's Pacamara APU.