Topic: Issue: recording sounds doubled


I have an unknown issue here. We´re currently recording audiobooks and 1/40 recorded tracks sounds weired and is useless.
The problem also occurs from time to time for a second on other tracks.
The thing is that I didn´t change anything with my setup or system. It was running perfectly for 5 month now.
I´ll attache a link to soundsamples with problematic recordings and non-problematic recordings for A/B purpose. Soundsample is dry. For full issue experience use headphones.

My System:

16" M1 Macbook 10C / OS 12.2.1
Fireface UC / Driver Version 3.27

DAW: Logic 10.6.0 via Rosetta

Signalchain: Shure sm7 > Tritonaudio Fethead > Fireface > USB cable with USB-C adapter > Macbook

No ADAT device connected to the interface. But couple of other analog preamps.

I appreciate your ideas in advance!


Nik … al_sharing

Re: Issue: recording sounds doubled


Re: Issue: recording sounds doubled

sorry you haven't gotten a response till now. I'm not a Mac expert by any means but I've experienced something similar to what you're hearing when I accidently turned on the Reverb FX and had the return/send levels all the way up but the gain on the playback channel all or most of the way down. btw, I didn't have a chance to listen to the sample you linked so my suggestion could be completely unrelated.

hopefully someone with more Mac experience will chime in soon.


4 (edited by Jigsaw 2022-07-19 11:27:07)

Re: Issue: recording sounds doubled

Thank you Steve!
Could be a possibility but I don´t use any FX at all for this projekt.
The weird thing is, that this problem also occasionally pops up on one word and than disappears again.

Anybody from RME has an idea?