Topic: Linking Fireface Uc + OctoPre MkII + Fireface 802


A straightforward question from someone who is not really technically savvy.

Currently I own an UC, to which I have an Octopre mkII connected via ADAT, in order to have 16 inputs for my gear

My idea to expand on this is the following, but i dont know if it will work?

Purchase a 802 and connect it to my PC via USB to act as sound card
Then, use one ADAT  input from it to connect the Octopre as I had with the UC
Aso, use the other ADAT input to connect the UC to use its inputs

So I can have 12+8+8 iinputs

Help much appreciated!

2 (edited by ramses 2022-08-24 16:53:27)

Re: Linking Fireface Uc + OctoPre MkII + Fireface 802

Hi Carla,

Welcome to the RME forum.

This is possible, how exactly depends on your OctoPre model. Which one do you have? Please send the URL.

If your OctoPre has also ADAT inputs, then you can get clock through ADAT -> Option A).
If not, then option B) is for you.

Option A) Clock master 802: clock synch through ADAT

802 (clock master) ----ADAT1 OUT----[data+clock]------------>ADAT IN---OctoPre [clock slave: clock source = ADAT]
                             <---ADAT1 IN<-----[data]---------------------ADAT OUT
                              ----ADAT2 OUT----[data+clock]------------>ADAT IN---RME UC [clock slave: clock source = ADAT]
                             <---ADAT2 IN<-----[data]---------------------ADAT OUT
Option B) Clock master 802: clock synch through ADAT (to UC) and Word Clock (to OctoPre)

                      |-------------------------Word Clock ------------------------------------|
802 (clock master)<---ADAT1 IN<-----[data]---------------------ADAT OUT---OctoPre [clock slave: clock source = WC]
                              ----ADAT2 OUT----[data+clock]------------>ADAT IN-----RME UC [clock slave: clock source = ADAT]
                             <---ADAT2 IN<-----[data]---------------------ADAT OUT

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Linking Fireface Uc + OctoPre MkII + Fireface 802

Hello ramses! thanks for replying and solving my problems!

the octopre mk2 i own does not have adat in so it will have to go the second route, but thanks to your info + a it of google fu I have a clear idea on how to manage this setup once fireface 802 becomes widely available