Topic: Steadyclock (FS) in a hardware setup (ENG/DE)

Hello, I am recently questioning about the Steadyclock (FS) technology in a hardware setup where I have devices (RME and non-RME converters) that don't support Steadyclock technology (jitter reduction). As I am considering to get the latest RME interface which supports Steadyclock (FS), will my whole hardware setup benefit from the the Steadylock technology? I use an Adi 8 DS which does not have Steadyclock.

DE: Ich habe eine Frage zur Steadyclock (FS)-Technologie in einem Hardware-Setup, wo ich Wandler (RME und Nicht-RME Geräte) verwende, die die Steadyclock-Technologie (Jitter-Reduktion) nicht unterstützen. Da ich darüber nachdenke, mir das neueste RME-Interface zuzulegen, das Steadyclock (FS) unterstützt, wird mein gesamtes Hardware-Setup von der Steadylock-Technologie profitieren? Ich verwende derzeit ein Adi 8 DS, das Steadyclock nicht unterstützt.

So far I couldn't find any information about it. You can answer in German or English. Thank you for your help!!

Best Regards/viele Grüße, Tone Expressions

Re: Steadyclock (FS) in a hardware setup (ENG/DE)

Steadyclock Fs is a tech, that makes a device with this option to run at very very low jitter even when clocked externally from an external clock. So the short answer is no. But depending on your setup it can be used in some situations to clean a jittery source like this. Suppose you have not so good device that has no external clock input but does have a digital out (that has some jitter. If you connect that device to a steadyclock device, the clock outputs of that device will be top level again.
Thing is with all digital setups, you can have only one master clock.
Also steadyclock is a brand name. All digital devices have some form of clock recovery, otherwise they would not function.
In the case of the adi8, which I also have, it is best to make that the master, seen from the persective of jitter (not easy of use per se if you need sample rate switching)
Hop this helps a little.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by ramses 2022-08-30 16:09:54)

Re: Steadyclock (FS) in a hardware setup (ENG/DE)

Schau Dir am besten die RME Knowledge Base Seite und das Video zu SteadyClock an.

SteadyClock nimmt jedweden Jitter aus einem Clock Signal. Das ist beispielsweise von Vorteil, wenn das RME Gerät Clock Slave ist. Durch FS Clock werden gewisse Messwerte besser (SNR), besserer Klang ist nicht unbedingt zu erwarten von dem, was man im Forum so lesen kann oder es bewegt sich auf einem kaum hörbaren Niveau.


Best check out the RME Knowledge Base page and video on SteadyClock.

SteadyClock takes any jitter out of a clock signal. This is useful if the RME device is clock slave. FS Clock improves certain measurement values (SNR), better sound is not necessarily to be expected from what you can read in the forum so or it is at a barely audible leve

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10