1 (edited by hicazyureklisite 2022-09-07 22:28:23)

Topic: Maximum Output Level @ 0 dBFS Phones: +8 dBu What Does Mean?

Here: https://archiv.rme-audio.de/en/products/babyface.php

+8 dBu
what would be the result if 0 instead of 8?

thank you

2 (edited by ramses 2022-09-08 02:44:26)

Re: Maximum Output Level @ 0 dBFS Phones: +8 dBu What Does Mean?

See Sengpiel: http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Rechner-db-volt.htm
English version of this page not accessible anymore: http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-db-volt.htm

hicazyureklisite wrote:

+8 dBu What Does Mean?

An Output Level of +8 dBu = 5.78 dBV = 1.95 V (eff)

hicazyureklisite wrote:

What would be the result if 0 instead of 8?

A signal which is 8 dBu less: 0 dBu = -2.22 dBV = 0.78 V (eff)

From Sengpiel webpage:

The index at dBu comes from “u = unloaded" and at dBV from “V = 1 Volt". The “u” in dBu is to indicate,
that the load is “unspecified” or “unloaded” and that it has a high impedance.

What is dBu? A log. Voltage ratio with a reference voltage of U0 = 0.7746 volts ≡ 0 dBu.
What is dBV? A log. Voltage ratio with a reference voltage of U0 = 1.0000 volts ≡ 0 dBV.
The home recording level of -10 dBV means 0.3162 volts, corresponding to -7.78 dBu
The 100% level mark: +4 dBu for (USA) Pro Audio (1.228 V), or +6 dBu for (ARD) Pro Audio (1.55 V).
And -10 dBV (0.3162 V) for consumer audio (home equipment).

Scale: Level in dBu and dBV compared to voltage in V


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13