Topic: UCX II possible random reboot

Sometimes while my UCX II is on I will find that the mismatch detected window for TotalMix FX has appeared on my PC randomly. It pops up every time I boot my unit up so I'm wondering if my unit is randomly cycling. It doesn't happen very often and I haven't used the unit very much. I've never noticed it happen while I'm sitting at the PC using it but I often leave it on while I'm not using it. I thought I saw the unit cycling on out of the corner of my eye once prior to the mismatch window popping up. Would it be my unit randomly rebooting, what would cause this?

2 (edited by ramses 2022-09-08 03:32:28)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Hello dazza_devil7. Welcome to the RME User Forum.

No need to worry. This is the usual detection that the device settings of the last session differ from the values stored in TM FX, such as simple volume or routing changes.

This notification can be disabled by setting the following in TM FX preferences (F2):
[x] Always initialize DSP devices with TM FX settings.

This has the advantage for you that the device is now initialized as you have saved / prepared the settings in TM FX.
Then you have a defined starting point for your sessions after turning on the PC and logging in.

I also recommend configuring “Do not load snapshot” to “---”. Then you always get the saved (convenient) volume level as a good starting point.

See also point 14 in my blog about a good initial setup for your RME Recording Interface: … rnal-equi/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

ramses wrote:

Hello dazza_devil7. Welcome to the RME User Forum.

No need to worry. This is the usual detection that the device settings of the last session differ from the values stored in TM FX, such as simple volume or routing changes.

Thanks for that. The concern wasn't that the window comes up at boot up. It was more that the window reappears randomly after I have checked the box and cleared the window, after the unit has been on for a while, not after I restart.

4 (edited by ramses 2022-09-08 04:47:21)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

dazza_devil7 wrote:
ramses wrote:

Hello dazza_devil7. Welcome to the RME User Forum.

No need to worry. This is the usual detection that the device settings of the last session differ from the values stored in TM FX, such as simple volume or routing changes.

Thanks for that. The concern wasn't that the window comes up at boot up. It was more that the window reappears randomly after I have checked the box and cleared the window, after the unit has been on for a while, not after I restart.

Ok, but you told: “It pops up every time I boot my unit up so I wonder if my unit is randomly cycling.”
Therefore, my explanation and how to fix this.

Next thing to check, the external power supply has a lockable connector, check manual ch 5.1 on page 10:

The connector at the power supply and the socket at the unit come with a turn to lock feature. When inserting the connector, make sure the little wings are aligned correctly so that the connector is fully inserted. Then turn the connector so that it is locked and can no longer be removed. If not fully inserted, the connection will be loose and cause power loss when the cable is moved.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

ramses wrote:
dazza_devil7 wrote:
ramses wrote:

Hello dazza_devil7. Welcome to the RME User Forum.

No need to worry. This is the usual detection that the device settings of the last session differ from the values stored in TM FX, such as simple volume or routing changes.

Thanks for that. The concern wasn't that the window comes up at boot up. It was more that the window reappears randomly after I have checked the box and cleared the window, after the unit has been on for a while, not after I restart.

Ok, but you told: “It pops up every time I boot my unit up so I wonder if my unit is randomly cycling.”
Therefore, my explanation and how to fix this.

Next thing to check, the external power supply has a lockable connector,

Yea, the unit is plugged in properly and it or the attached leads aren't subject to any motion.

The reason I stated that the window pops up every time I boot it up is because that's the reason I thought the unit was randomly rebooting while unattended. Sorry if I confused the issue.
So the window wouldn't pop up unless the unit had rebooted?

6 (edited by ramses 2022-09-08 05:18:17)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Could it be perhaps related to sleep state of your PC and then wake up?
How often does this occur, or how long does it take to reoccur?
Can you have a look whether you see the UCX II power cycling or alike?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

7 (edited by dazza_devil7 2022-09-08 09:23:15)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

ramses wrote:

Could it be perhaps related to sleep state of your PC and then wake up?
How often does this occur, or how long does it take to reoccur?
Can you have a look whether you see the UCX II power cycling or alike?

It will occur without my PC going into sleep or screen saver mode.
It's very random and doesn't happen every time I have the device going.
I have tried to catch the unit power cycling but have been unable to. I suspect I may of just caught the screen flash on out the corner of my eye once and then noticed that the window had popped up. I'd say it's recycling randomly, not very often though I have no idea why it could be doing this.
Should I be going through the safe removal protocol for USB devices before turning it off?


Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Please try this. Usually the mismatch message will NEVER show unless you moved the volume knob after USB is disconnected. Unfortunately for me this sounds like your unit might have an issue.

A way to test would be to shortly use it with a different computer to make sure it behaves identical there.

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by dazza_devil7 2022-09-08 09:52:57)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

MC wrote:

Please try this. Usually the mismatch message will NEVER show unless you moved the volume knob after USB is disconnected. Unfortunately for me this sounds like your unit might have an issue.

A way to test would be to shortly use it with a different computer to make sure it behaves identical there.

Thanks MC, I don't have the option of testing the unit with another PC unfortunately. It wasn't something that I noticed happening until I'd had the unit for a few months so I think there's an issue. I've had it for 8 months now but it hasn't had a lot of use. Unless it is something to do with my PC but I doubt it. Is there a way I can run a test on it or perhaps log something?

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

but the thing sounds so amazing

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

So more observations,
-the mismatch window appeared while I was sitting at the PC with the device on but not in use. I didn't notice a power cycle happening with the unit at the time it appeared.
-if I leave the unit on and connected while rebooting the PC, the mismatch window will appear at the start-up of Windows even though the device controls have not been altered during PC reboot.

I think it's software related, nothing to do with the unit randomly power cycling or its hardware.


Re: UCX II possible random reboot

If so then you might have an issue with TotalMix FX not being able to write its state file upon shutdown/reboot. You can check the file yourself, see manual chapter 25.7.1.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

MC wrote:

If so then you might have an issue with TotalMix FX not being able to write its state file upon shutdown/reboot. You can check the file yourself, see manual chapter 25.7.1.

It would be nice if you could implement some kind of auto-save on Windows as I just use "sleep" so reboots/shutdowns are not even weekly for me, and I've to remember to explicitly save changes and/or exit the TotalMix FX program.

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Further observations. For the first time I witnessed the mismatch window appear while the unit was in operation, playing music through my PC and studio monitors. Just prior to the window appearing the sound signal was interrupted temporarily and intermittently for no apparent reason. The signal returned to normal as the mismatch window appeared, I wasn't able to observe anything unusual happening with the unit itself visually. Sometimes when starting the unit there will be two episodes of the mismatch window appear concurrently. However worrisome these symptoms may be it is a very rare event and absolutely random with no apparent triggering mechanism.

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

It appears the latest TotalMix update version 1.83 has rectified this situation. Early times but the mismatch window is no longer appearing at boot up or thus far randomly either, fingers crossed.

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Mismatch window has started appearing again at boot up since the recent DSP 31 firmware update, annoying.

17 (edited by waedi 2024-04-03 01:28:00)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

If you wiggle the cable of the power supply is the error window poping up then ?
Could be the power supply cable is broken or the plug is not inserted fully (and locked) ?

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

18 (edited by dazza_devil7 2024-04-03 02:22:13)

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

waedi wrote:

If you wiggle the cable of the power supply is the error window poping up then ?
Could be the power supply cable is broken or the plug is not inserted fully (and locked) ?

Power supply is fine. It must be software related, the mismatch window stopped coming up randomly and at boot after the TM software update and has only resumed since the recent firmware update. Was fine for 10 months.
It's not popping up randomly any more but I haven't been using it for extended periods, I'll leave it on for a while and see how it goes.

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

The mismatch window persists in coming up every time I boot the unit up. The text in the window reads Fireface UCX II (1), what's with the 1 in brackets?


Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Normal Windows numbering. We are at firmware 34 now and driver 1.250...

Matthias Carstens

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

MC wrote:

Normal Windows numbering. We are at firmware 34 now and driver 1.250...

oh thanks, updated now but alas it persists. Think I'll just tick the box and ignore it, I don't think it's a result of anything troublesome.

Re: UCX II possible random reboot

Would you believe it, the mismatch window has now just randomly stopped popping up when booting the unit up, spontaneously and without intervention or explanation.