Topic: Listen to PC's standby/wake ticks from USB for "auto" standby.

Hey Love my ADI-2. I've updated to the latest firmware, and i like the standby, but seems like its time based. A more better request i would like to have an "Auto" setting:

The PC send a sleep signal via USB when its going into sleep, and same for wake, can we have a feature that would put the device to sleep once this is send via USB (and obviously no other inputs) and wake up once the pc send the wake call, Similar to other USB devices?

I think this would be really great user experience (UX) for USB only users like myself, and prevent unnecessary $$$ on electricity when i forget to turn it off and dont have to turn it on manual too. I don't see this being an issues as it should be an optional, just like standby, but would improve the UX for usb users.

Hope this make sence.
Any question let me know.


Re: Listen to PC's standby/wake ticks from USB for "auto" standby.

can someone comment on this please?

3 (edited by MstrC-117 2022-10-14 20:37:14)

Re: Listen to PC's standby/wake ticks from USB for "auto" standby.

Wake-on-USB would require physical circuit changes. Highly doubt this kind of feature would be possible via plain firmware update.

ADI-2´s Auto-Standby already has 30min, 1h, 2h and 4h automatic power-off -options. Isn´t no one of them really suitable for you?

If you want minimal electricity consumption and very least unnecessary thermal stress for your ADI, you must hone off your absent-mindness that much to remember press the power button after a session. smile