Topic: RME Multiface v1 and RME Babyface v1 comparison

Could anyone possiblity comment on the quality of the converters / audio quality of the RME Multiface v1 compared to the RME Babyface v1, both running at say the native Multiface 24bit 96khz?

Any advice gratefully received.

2 (edited by ramses 2022-10-11 15:38:07)

Re: RME Multiface v1 and RME Babyface v1 comparison

You can compare the technical data yourself by looking in the manual.

With the two old converters from back then, there won't be much difference, as both units use converters that were available at the time.

BBF and MF II (not I), for example, have the same converter latency of 44 / 28 samples A/D, D/A at single speed. The rest of the technical data will probably match as well.
But the technical data alone do not provide any information about the sound, you would have to work that out for yourself in listening tests.

But what significant differences do you expect?
When comparing current transducers, the differences are subtle anyway, that may have been the case back then.

If you ask me whether you should get the new BBF Pro FS, I would rather say that it could (COULD, to be tested!) make a small audible difference.

Just in terms of routing audio on the BBF Pro FS itself, the latency of the converters is very low at 5/7 samples A/D, D/A at single speed. There has been facelifting in many areas between BBF and BBF Pro significantly and also between BBF Pro and BBF Pro FS.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: RME Multiface v1 and RME Babyface v1 comparison

I have a ADI8AE and a babyface pro fs, one very old one latest and honestly they sound the same, which is very very good. Maybe if I would spend hours comparing, I might spot a difference, or I would imagine it maybe, but truth is if you create music with it, a small change in eq like 0.5db has more audible effect then any converter change. So if this is a buying decision, buy what is most practical. Or maybe newer for maybe a longer lifetime. 1 disadvantage of the babyface v1 is the low power headphones output. You will need sensitive headphones then it is fine but, for example some Sehnheiser high impedance were to soft.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

4 (edited by Ventai 2022-10-15 13:27:23)

Re: RME Multiface v1 and RME Babyface v1 comparison

Thank you both very much for your informative answers.

Although already owning a Multiface v1 and a Babyface v1, when building a new system and have access to funds will almost certainly be purchasing a new more modern equivalent to the Multiface, as have been using the Babyface for quite a few years now and has been the best experience in terms of audio cards.

The Multiface is being used in a stepping stone desktop machine until a new system is built.

RME is always recommended to people when discussing audio hardware.

Please keep up the good work!