Topic: Functionality fix for next firmware update.

Having spent quite a few months with my RME ADI-2 PRO FS R, I have found one very counter intuitive issue that should be an easy fix. I did not notice this until I started using two sets of headphones a lot. On the front of the unit the headphone outputs are labeled (looking from left to right) 3/4 then 1/2. However on the volume display they are 1/2 then 3/4. So if you are using two headphones at once, intuitively they should match for quick volume adjustment. As it is, I often find myself wanting to adjust the headphone plugged in on the left side while looking at the volume numbers that are also on the left. Instead, I often end up adjusting the wrong one. So can we just swap the volume display on the next firmware update?  Thank you


Re: Functionality fix for next firmware update.

That will not happen, sorry.

Matthias Carstens