Topic: Syncing two macs via TmFx Raydat and Digiface
Hello, I want to get a mac mini m1 to enlarge my setup. Now, I am running an old macpro 5.1 12 core with Raydat, two Apogee Rosetta 800 and a Babyface pro FS. I do analog summing, the master out of the analog summing device goes to the babyface inputs and back to the macpro.
Is it possible, to run the second mac (with digiface usb) as slave (Logic pro) synced via TmFx while plugging the second rosetta to the digiface and the first rosetta to the raydat?
With this setup I don't need that audio syncronisation which is coming with issues when connecting two macs via AVB/Ethernet. The first Mac is master in TmFx (Raydat),the second mac (and logic pro) ist slave (Digiface)?
Thanks in advance.
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker