Topic: UFX/ADA800/Samplitude ADAT record issue

I have the UFX and 2 x ADA800 all synced up via ADAT and apparently running properly at 44.1khz. I can monitor all 16 ADAT inputs on Total mix. I also have all 16 inputs visible to select in Samplitude as recording sources. However, when I hit record only ADAT 1-7 are recorded and ADAT8-16 are ignored. I wonder if anyone has a clue why this would be and how I can route these sources properly to Samplitude? It is not a sync or sample rate issue - I can't figure it out!

Re: UFX/ADA800/Samplitude ADAT record issue

Are you using really using single speed (44.1/48) kHz?
If you use double speed, this would explain why you see only half of ADAT channels (channel multiplexing at higher sample rates). Besides that, ADA8200 only support single speed.
Check if in the RME driver settings port ADAT2 has been set to support ADAT (not SPDIF) protocol so that you get 8 (ADAT) instead of only 2 channels (SPDIF protocol).
On port ADAT2 make a loop test to validate proper operation of cable and ADAT port by connecting ADAT2 OUT <--> ADAT2 IN, then observe driver settings, sync status.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13